100 E. First St., P.O. Box 313 Big Rock, IL 60511 (630) 556-3625

New Generation Police Entrance Examination

A written test for law enforcement officers that works. In addition to measuring critical mental abilities, an effective test must measure job-related behavior and rank your candidates in the order of their true potential for success in the academy and field training as well as long term street performance.

As a full scale screening instrument, our Police Entry Examination provides a triple hurdle approach to screening law enforcement candidates. Your report includes a series of work-related measures that will guide your total selection process from oral interview to background investigation. In short, this examination serves as the cornerstone of your employment procedure by providing a maximum amount of true reliable information at the beginning of the hiring process.


About Validity

The New Generation Law Enforcement Entrance Examination is a mathematical compilation of reading, listening ability and personality traits. This instrument possesses strong empirical validity using the criterion strategy and is the subject of ongoing research. Each new specific validity or transportability study generates additional specific validation for the "core" test.

This test battery is free of adverse impact on protected classes not only by pass/fail, but by rank as well. This is accomplished without differential scoring or any loss of validity and accuracy.

Written Test Score

The Written Test Score is derived by the use of beta weights for selected test variables. To produce a score, several discrete subtests are loaded into a traditional multiple linear regression equation. The written test score includes measures of work-critical mental abilities and several factorially pure job-critical behavior trait measures that predict performance in the field training program.

This unique approach to screening requires all candidates to pass job-related reading and listening ability scans before the long term performance formula is applied. Each candidate is actually exposed to three separate test batteries to help screen out academy failures or field training discharges. Those who receive failing marks in either of the first two gates are scored by the total test formula. This final score is a multiple linear regression equation that combines both mental ability and personality to predict long term career performance as measured by supervisory evaluation and hard employment data.

Report Subsections

The "Critical Mental Skills" graphs red-flag potential problems with reading, listening and report writing to be confirmed in later oral interviews or background investigations. The "Critical Abilities" section provides a graphic overview of the candidate's personal strengths and weaknesses along 6 critical job dimensions that helps 'round-out' the written test score. Finally, the "Background Investigation Guide" targets potential problem areas to help guide the background investigation or the individual oral interview. The "Behavioral Admissions" section highlights admissions in areas that are the subject of the background investigation.


Validity Coefficient

The correlations for the concurrent strategy far exceed the .05 level of significance. The criterion measures employed include various hard indices of work performance, traditional supervisory evaluation and special ranking scales for the field training program. Both hard and soft criterion measures are evaluated for age and race bias. Additional performance measures include disciplinary action, commendations, productivity and tardiness.


Measures of test reliability exceed .80.

Passing Point

The passing point is adjusted so that a written test score of seventy equals a 50/50 chance of success on the job when the standard error of measurement is taken into consideration.

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